Smart Contracts
This page provides links or locations for CorgiSwap's smart contracts.
Main contracts
The following links will take you to the BscScan page for CorgiSwap's main smart contracts.
CorgiSwap: Main Staking Contract/MasterChef CorgiSwap: Factory CorgiSwap: Router CorgiSwap: Prediction CorgiSwap: Lottery
Farms contracts
Each Farm used by CorgiSwap has its own smart contract. Follow the steps below to view a Farm's smart contract.
Go to the CorgiSwap Farms page and click the row of the Farm you want to see the contract for.
When the details section expands out, click the View Contract link on the left to open the contract in BscScan.
IFO contracts
IFO contracts are unique to each new IFO. Follow the steps below to view an IFO's smart contract.
Current or most recent IFO
Go to the CorgiSwap IFO page and look on the bottom right of the IFO information for a View Contract link.
Previous IFOs
Go to the CorgiSwap IFO page and click the Past IFOs toggle at the top of the page.
2. Find the banner of the IFO you'd like to see and click the down arrow button to expand it.
3. Find and click the View Contract link on the bottom right of the expanded information.
Last updated